The pic was taken in Rockhampton's botanical gardens - good place for a weekend walk.
analysis, social organization, classroom talk
I've just had an email confirming that a journal article of mine will be published in Language and Education. I am absolutely thrilled.
Today I worked on my draft journal article again. I've cut massive sections out of the talk that i am using in the draft in order to bring it back to the word limit of 6,000 words. That's a cut of 2,500 words. I knew it had to be done but it requires ignoring so much of what i learnt about children's talk when examining independent writing during my doctural research. I worked so hard in my thesis to capture the multiple conversations that happened; the ways that individuals attended to the talk of others and how individual actions were relevant to the actions of others as evidenced in the transcript. The result was a complex transcript that others find difficult to read and journal editors find hard to publish without extensive editing that cuts out "extraneous talk"(weep). When i read my transcript I can clearly "see" the interaction that it captures -not linear at all- and just as I have come to understand talk that occurs when students are left to their own devices in the classroom.
This week I am working on getting a journal publication from my AERA paper "Withholding information during help in independent writing. Thanks to the AERA requirements for proposals a lot of the paper is written. I have worked on the analysis slightly because of previous feedback on other papers about the complexity of transcripts. I have been able to take out some of the talk that is not pertinent to the main talk i have analysed. This took a lot of time to do since all lines of the transcript are numbered for reference - taking out 70 lines meant a lot of small changes.