
analysis, social organization, classroom talk

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

blogger revealed

Here I am at the "nerve centre" - my office at cqu. It will be three years on xmas day since I established my blog. I wouldn't have thought I could keep it going this long but it has become a very useful tool, especially for working on ideas for my journal articles. On that note, I am still intending to write my article about transcription but it has had to take a backseat to course preparation for Term 1 2008 which needs to be finalised ASAP. I hope to finish preparation by Friday and will have a go at a draft of the transcription article by xmas day. After that, I will be taking a few days break - cqu is closed until 7 January and my sister is coming to Rocky for her first holiday in almost twenty five years (she tells me). It's going to be a big occasion for me too because Julie will be my first visitor from "down south" since I moved here 19 months ago.

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Sunday, December 09, 2007

what every uni campus needs ...

yes,a place to toss your 'buts'. I'm sure it would be very helpful for getting rid of negative attitudes and make for a more positive workplace! mind you, I've sent the pic to a few friends who have replied to say they "don't get it". this almost sent me scurrying to my dictionary but ... butt, right!

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