from melbourne airport
well, here I am at on the next leg of my journey to London. I left Wagga at 5 o'clock this afternoon and it is now 9.15 pm. I've had a spot to eat, checked in and passed through customs into the inner area.I have approximately 1 hour and 14 minutes to go before boarding. time passes quickly when you're in a herd! I've already done more standing up in line than I care to do.
So here's my agenda for the next 16 days.
1 July arrive heathrom and head to the holiday inn arial (to recover)
3 July fly to Frankfurt and then catch a train to Mannheim (where I will be staying at the Park Inn)
4-7 July I'll be attending the International CA conference at the Unviersity of Mannheim
8 July I'm taking a train back to London and then a train to Winchester
9-11 July I'll attend the United Kingdom Literacy Association conference at the University of Winchester and I am staying in student accommodation there
12 July I head back to London where I will spend three days in student accommodation in South London
14 July - in the evening I head home.
That will be a lot of travel in a short time. Still it should be interesting and just in case it isn't, I have brought plenty of work with me to do. In fact, I've already starting by reading two chapters on a book on Phenomenography while waiting for the check-in line to open this evening. it was actually hard to concentrate - I'd forgotten how delightful Melbourne is (yes, even the airport). Actually, it is the mix of people that I had quite forgotten about. So, I read and did some people watching. The time passed pretty quickly and I am hoping that it passes just as quickly on the flight to Bangkok, and then London.
Can't wait to arrive and go to bed!
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