What is dat?
Recently I have been transcribing and analysing young children's talk about lizards. This occurred while they were using the computer in their home. Today I found the picture/image that the children were talking about at one point in the recording. I have copied it from the website and wish to acknowledge that I did not take the picture/make the original image. The address of the site is:
Below is an excerpt from the transcript where the talk about the image begins. Here is the way I've noted speakers:
L is the younger child who was 2 years 11 months at the time of recording
D is the Dad
M is the M
R is the researcher (me)
W is the older brother
What I haven't noted in the transcript (so far) is that the cursor (produced by the mouse) is used by the younger child to point to lizards that he is talking about.
(5.0) ((L clicks on a picture on the wikipedia screen)
L: what is dat?
((enlarged image appears on the screen))
R: wo::w
L: hey
M: oo:::h
L: what's dat one
D: I can see some we know don't we (.) can't we there Will
L: he::y (0.4)look
D: who’s that
W: frill neck
L: fri::ll neck
D: who’s that [spikey
L: [hey
D: whose that [spikey one
L: [a diney devil
D: well done
L: diney devil
D: good boy
L: hey a plying lizard
D: he sure is
W: I know that one ((pointing))the one (0.2)that one
D: do you know that one what's it called (0.4)°I've never seen him before°
W: that one's the running on top of the water lizard
D: ↑o::::h is [it
W: [he runs on top of the water
D: °oh yeah°
L: what's that one called ↑Da::d ((pointing))what is dat one called
D: I don't know either
W: that's the flying gecko:::
M: sit on your seat mate
W: a::nd
L: ( ) Dad
W: I::: need to (tell you something)
D: it's a shame because [you can't see that one
L: [(amealilen )
D: what's that?
L: amealilen
D: chamealeon isn't it
L: [yes
D: [yeah that's right [sure is
L: [↑he::y
M: sit on=
L: =what's dat one called
D: I'm not sure=
L: =skin lizard
D: is it like a::h (0.4)some sort of dragon?,
L: yea::h (0.2) or plying lizard
D: a::w I think that other one's a flying lizard (0.4) flying gecko
L: no dat is dat one eider
W: Dad
D: no
W: °go go go go go°
L: hey it's a ↑gink
D: some sort of skink do you think?
L: yeah [maybe
D: [o::h it could be too
L: it's a [gink lizard
D: [could be (0.4) could be a skink lizard
L: °yeah°
Fantastic data to analyse and I'm having a lot of fun doing it.
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