
analysis, social organization, classroom talk

Monday, September 20, 2010

back to Reader Rabbit

Originally uploaded by angie cat
I'm now back to working on my draft of what I hope will be a published journal article in the future. I'm looking at helping talk during use of the computer. Some of it looks and sounds a bit like this:

107 H: °Kylie° (0.8)↑oh and Kylie
108 (2.0)
109 H: remembe::r
110 (1.0)
111 H: when you get to::: the mon:th
112 (1.0)
113 H: press go::: ((pointing to screen))
114 (1.0)
115 H: um (0.6) click the ↓do::wn button
116 (0.6)
117 H: and look for the one that looks ↑li::ke (0.4) tha::t
118 (0.4)↔((A pointing to screen))
119 H: okay?
120 (0.6)
121 H: starting
This section of talk occurs during a part in the game of Reader Rabbit where the young child Kylie (4 yrs) is going to have to type in her birthday. Her sister, Hannah (7 yrs) anticipates a problem and gives Kylie instructions for what to do next. It's a nice little section of data consisting of a series of directives for what to do next.

I've completed the analysis and now need to draw out my key points for discussion. That is always challenging for me i.e. taking the analysis where it needs to go. The rest of the article is in good shape and I hope to have it concluded pretty soon. This morning I'm going to work on it from 7-ish until around 9 and hope for a break through.


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