
analysis, social organization, classroom talk

Thursday, August 04, 2005

setting my sights

oops. yesterday's early career researcher meeting confirmed for me that my goals are currently all short-term. John has asked us to think about the contribution that we intend to make in the next five years. Part of planning towards that is to clarify where the research focus will be. That requires some thinking on my part before we meet next week. I won't tease out the problem fully but its dimensions will involve thinking about whether i want to maintain an interest in writing and pedagogy. A brief search I did yesterday suggested that "cutting edge" would probably require moving into IT aspects. Don't know about that. I mean I am interested in it but would really need to do a lot of work and find a niche, even so, if I moved in that direction.

My on-going interest, ever since coming across Hugh Mehan's work, has been classroom interaction. I DO know that I want to continue to do CA and develop in that area. The rest is going to require some hours of thought.


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