I've been passing the Kershaw Gardens for over two years as I drive to and from my office each day. Last week I finally visited the gardens and they were definitely worth the visit. While the gardens can be seen from the highway that passes by, once inside it is a different matter. There are numerous paths to follow and the highway isn't visible any longer. It's a fantastic place for those who like to walk, and don't want to do that on the roads of Rocky.
Now to wonderings ... I'm on leave this week. It is mid-term break at CQU but I decided to take leave to write. Yes, sounds silly but I need some connected time to produce a draft of the literature review on transcription. So, this week is the time. I've been plodding alone on it each day. I have words but not quite WHAT I really want to say.
Today, I'm getting my piano tuned. This is a very exciting event for me. I played piano for years but sold my last one to buy a computer when I started research for my masters. That was around 1990. When my father died I inherited the piano that he bought for me to learn on. The piano is out of tune - not badly, but enough to make playing it a silly idea. So, last week decided to bite the (expensive) bullet and get it tuned. The piano tuner says it is in good nick overall, so I'm happy about that. He will do the tuning in two lots because the "strain" of altering pitch in one go might do damage to the piano. He is doing the first tuning today and I'm really excited about it. I still have a lot of sheet music (mostly serious classical and baroque stuff)and i'm looking forward to doing some regular playing.
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