spot the owl
I was thrilled when a colleague pointed out this tawny frog-mouth owl. I've never seen one before but it was an arresting sight.
Meanwhile, the research project is really coming along now. I have a new camera curtesy of the Joyne Maine sale last friday. I am pretty excited about it cos the equipment I used for my PhD data collection was very basic and would often break down. I had to borrow the equipment on a daily basis and so rarely had the same recording devices twice in a row. this added unnecessary anxiety because i only had ten days of recording (according to my ethical clearance application and so needed to get it right at the time). While I will have to get to know this new camera, it is certainly going to take pressure off. The other thing is that I will now upload the recording directly into my computer and use free transcription softward to develop my transcript. yes, I'm out of the Dark Ages (in both senses!).
I will make my first recording on Friday. I'm thrilled because it will involve social interaction between two participants who will be using the computer together. I hope to be able to record the computer screen so that talked indexed to images and print can be understood easily.
I've had confirmation that my article on transcription is now under review. I REALLY want to get this publication.
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